Breakfastring with Emmentaler AOP

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35 min.
Cook/bake time 35 min.


4 servings

  • •1 packet of puff pastry, rolled out rectangular
  • •8 slices of raw bacon
  • •6 eggs
  • •120 g Emmentaler AOP, grated
  • •Parsley, chopped
  • •Salt and pepper


  1. Preheat the oven to 210 degrees.
  2. Beat 5 of the eggs and season with salt and pepper. Cook as scrambled eggs in a frying pan with a little butter.
  3. Divide the pastry into 8 triangles and arrange in a ring-form (forming a star) on a piece of greaseproof paper. Place a slice of bacon on each piece of pastry, then sprinkle half of the grated Emmentaler AOP over the ring. Evenly spread the scrambled egg mixture over the ring and then sprinkle the remaining Emmentaler AOP over the top. Sprinkle with a portion of chopped parsley. Now fold the star points to the middle. Beat the remaining egg and use it to brush the top of the ring. Bake for approx. 20 minutes until the ring is golden brown.
  4. Place the whole ring on an attractive platter and garnish with the remaining parsley before serving.

Cheese in this recipe